Meaning & Definition of word "Seasonal"
- 1. Relating to or occurring in a particular season.
- Example: The store offers seasonal discounts during the holiday period.
- 2. Occurring at certain times of the year or in certain seasons.
- Example: The park has seasonal events that change with each season.
- 3. Linked to or dependent on the seasons.
- Example: The menu features seasonal ingredients that are fresh and locally sourced.
- 4. Happening or used during a specific season.
- Example: She loves to wear seasonal clothing that reflects the changes in weather.
- 5. In business, subject to changes that depend on the time of year.
- Example: They hire seasonal workers to help with the increased demand during the summer.
Derived from the word 'season', originating from Middle English 'sesoun', ultimately from Latin 'sextus', meaning 'sixth'
Common Phrases and Expressions
seasonal affective disorder:
A type of depression that occurs at a specific time of year, usually in the winter.
seasonal changes:
Refers to the changes that occur in nature throughout the different seasons.
seasonal workers:
Employees who are hired on a temporary basis during certain seasons.
Related Words
A division of the year characterized by particular weather patterns and daylight hours.
The characteristic of being seasonal; fluctuations that occur at regular intervals throughout the year.
Slang Meanings of seasonal
Meaning: Seasonal job
Example Sentence: I took a seasonal job at the beach during summer.
Meaning: Seasonal hibernation
Example Sentence: After summer, I go into seasonal hibernation and stay indoors.