

Meaning & Definition

a person or thing that is lesser in rank or importance
In this hierarchy, he feels like a lesser than his colleagues.
of lower rank, importance, or quality
He took the lesser role in the play to support his friend.
smaller in size or extent
We decided to drive the lesser route to avoid heavy traffic.
not as significant or noteworthy; subordinate
The project was a lesser priority compared to the ongoing crisis.


Middle English, from Old Comparative of lesse, from Old English lǣs—less, plus -er.

Common Phrases and Expressions

not widely recognized or known
the lesser of two evils:
the option that is considered less undesirable
lesser extent:
to a smaller degree or amount

Related Words

Slang Meanings

not as cool or popular as something else
That movie was cool, but this one's lesser.
a person who is not as important or influential
He's a lesser player on the team.