

Meaning & Definition

The person who leads or presides over a meeting, committee, or organization.
The chairman called the meeting to order and introduced the first agenda item.
A person in charge of a board of directors.
The chairman of the board announced the new strategic plan for the company.
A person who leads the discussion in a parliamentary assembly.
As the chairman of the committee, she ensured that all voices were heard.
An officer in charge of a committee, often responsible for organizing activities and meetings.
He was elected as the chairman of the fundraising committee for the charity event.


The word 'chairman' is derived from 'chair', referring to the seat of authority, and 'man', indicating the male representative.

Common Phrases and Expressions

chairman's statement:
An official report or position given by the chairman during a meeting.
chairman's role:
The responsibilities and functions of a chairman in an organization.
acting chairman:
A person temporarily fulfilling the role of chairman.

Related Words

Slang Meanings

The big boss in charge of everything.
He's the chairman around here, so his word is final.
The head honcho of a meeting.
Don't bother the chairman; he's got a lot on his plate today.