Translation of "Saloon" into German
Saloon / Saloon
Hotels near Caddy Shack Saloon.
Hotels in der Nähe von Caddyshack Saloon.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 Are we going in a saloon?
Gehen wir in einen Saloon?
Data source: OpenSubtitles_v2018 He went back to the saloon.
Also ging er zurück zum Saloon.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 Hotels near Western Saloon.
Hotels in der Nähe von Western Saloon.
Data source: ParaCrawl_v9 You are here: Start > Games > SALOON SALOON.
Sie sind hier: Startseite > Spiele > SALOON SALOON.
Data source: ParaCrawl_v9 She plays Eleanor Guthrie, the daughter of Richard Guthrie, a saloon owner who runs her father's illegal businesses in Nassau.
Sie spielt die Eleanor Guthrie, die in Nassau die illegalen Handelsgeschäfte ihres Vaters führt.
Data source: WikiMatrix_v1 Dinner at the Red Onion Saloon.
Drink im Red Onion Saloon.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1