Translation of "Importance" into German
Importance / Bedeutung
The Security Council stresses the importance that such commitments are followed by action.
Der Sicherheitsrat betont, wie wichtig es ist, dass derartigen Zusagen Taten folgen.
Data source: MultiUN_v1 It shows us the importance of these evolutionarily ancient visual paths.
Damit wird deutlich, wie wichtig diese evolutionär alten visuellen Bahnen sind.
Data source: ELRC-CORDIS_News_v1 In this respect, the following core requirements are of importance.
Hierbei sind folgende Kernanforderungen wichtig.
Data source: EuroPat_v3 In this context, Angela Merkel underlined the importance of the international order.
Merkel unterstrich in diesem Zusammenhand die Bedeutung der internationalen Ordnung.
Data source: ELRC-Information_Portal_v1 The Minister of State for Europe also talked about the importance of growth and employment in Europe.
Roth sprach auch über die Bedeutung von Wachstum und Beschäftigung in Europa.
Data source: ELRC-642-Federal_Foreign_Berl_v1 92. The Commission agrees with the ECA on the importance of ensuring the effectiveness of the AFCOS and could support a clearer definition of the functions of AFCOS.
92. Die Kommission stimmt dem Hof zu, dass es wichtig ist, die Effektivitt der AFCOS sicherzustellen, und wrde eine klarere Definition der Aufgaben der AFCOS untersttzen.
Data source: ELITR-ECA_v1 History==Seal River was nominated for the Canadian Heritage Rivers System in 1987 because of its natural and ecological importance, not its importance to people in the development of the area.
History ==Seal River was nominated for the Canadian Heritage Rivers System in 1987 because of its natural and ecological importance, not its importance to people in the development of the area.
Data source: Wikipedia_v1.0