Translation of "Guano" into German
Guano / Guano
Offline by Guano Apes on Apple Music.
Offline von Guano Apes bei Apple Music.
Data source: ParaCrawl_v9 West Rim Shuttle between Eagle Point and Guano Point.
Shuttletransfer am Westrand zwischen Eagle Point und Guano Point.
Data source: ParaCrawl_v9 The second viewpoint is called Guano Point.
Der zweite Aussichtspunkt heißt Guano Point.
Data source: ParaCrawl_v9 "Baptism by Guano Plus" says Thomas.
"Taufe von Guano Plus", sagt Thomas.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 Eagle Point and Guano Point.
Stopps bei Eagle Point und Guano Point.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 Berlin, Germany Huxley's Neue Welt Guano Apes.
Berlin, Deutschland Huxley's Neue Welt Guano Apes.
Data source: ParaCrawl_v9 We get saltpetre from Chile and guano from Peru.
Salpeter beziehen wir aus Chile und aus Peru den Guano.
Data source: OpenSubtitles_v2018