Translation of "Doctorate" into German
Doctorate / Promotion
- doctoral degree
- doctorate degree
- doctor's degree
- D. Phil.
- Ph.D.
Doctorate in political philosophy (Sorbonne, 1973).
Promotion in politischer Philosophie (Sorbonne, 1973).
Data source: EUbookshop_v2 In 1916 he earned a doctorate in Theology in Freiburg.
1916 Promovierte er in Freiburg zum Doktor der Theologie.
Data source: Wikipedia_v1.0 She was awarded her doctorate at Lomonossov University in Moscow in 1986 for her thesis on Tirant lo Blanch by Joanot Martorell.
Sie promovierte 1986 an der Lomonossow-Universität in Moskau mit ihrer Dissertation über Tirant lo Blanch von Joanot Martorell.
Data source: wikimedia_v20210402 What is the iGRAD Doctorate Transcript?
Was ist das iGRAD Doctorate Transcript?
Data source: ParaCrawl_v9 Doctorate in Clinical Pharmacology.
Promotion auf dem Gebiet der klinischen Pharmakologie.
Data source: EUbookshop_v2 He studied law in Rome and Perugia and then at the University of Bologna where he earned a doctorate in utroque iure.
Er studierte Rechtswissenschaften in Rom und Perugia und dann an der Universität Bologna, wo er in utroque iure promovierte.
Data source: wikimedia_v20210402 Of these 1 479 new Belgian doctorate holders 33.9% were female.
Von diesen 1 479 neuen belgischen Doktoratsinhabern waren 33,9% weiblich.
Data source: EUbookshop_v2