Meaning & Definition of word "Rail"






    • 1. A long, narrow bar of metal or wood, typically used as a support or barrier.
      • Example: The child held onto the rail as he climbed the stairs.
    • 2. A system of tracks along which trains run.
      • Example: The new rail line will connect the two cities.
    • 3. A horizontal bar, especially one used as a fence or barrier.
      • Example: The balcony was protected by a white wooden rail.


    • 1. To criticize or complain about something in a very angry or passionate way.
      • Example: She railed against the unjust treatment of workers.
    • 2. To provide or equip with rails.
      • Example: They decided to rail the deck for safety.


    Middle English, from Old French 'reile', of Germanic origin.

    Common Phrases and Expressions

    rail against:

    To complain or protest strongly about something.

    railroad someone:

    To force someone to do something or to execute something quickly and unfairly.

    rails of justice:

    The systems and processes used to maintain law and order.

    Related Words


    A barrier enclosing or bordering a space.


    A path or course laid out for walking or driving.


    A handrail, typically along a staircase.

    Slang Meanings of rail

    Meaning: To criticize harshly.

    Example Sentence: He really railed on the team for their poor performance.

    Meaning: To consume drugs, especially by inhalation.

    Example Sentence: He was found railing in the alley.