Meaning & Definition of word "Paranormal"






    • 1. Describing events or phenomena that are beyond the normal range of scientific explanations, often associated with supernatural elements.
      • Example: The team of researchers set out to investigate the paranormal claims of ghost sightings in the old mansion.
    • 2. Relating to experiences or occurrences that cannot be explained by known scientific laws.
      • Example: She has always been fascinated by paranormal activities, like telepathy and poltergeists.
    • 3. Associated with the supernatural or mystical.
      • Example: The documentary explored various paranormal topics, including haunted places and unexplained disappearances.


    From 'para-' meaning 'beyond' and 'normal' meaning 'usual.'

    Common Phrases and Expressions

    paranormal activity:

    Events that cannot be explained by known laws of nature.

    paranormal investigation:

    The process of exploring and analyzing supernatural occurrences.

    paranormal phenomena:

    Unusual occurrences that are beyond scientific explanation.

    Related Words


    Relating to magical or supernatural beliefs, practices, or phenomena.


    A widely held but irrational belief in supernatural influences.


    A spiritual belief that emphasizes personal experience and the understanding of the divine.

    Slang Meanings of paranormal

    Meaning: It's all in your head

    Example Sentence: When he claims to have seen a ghost, I just say it's all in your head.

    Meaning: Spirit world

    Example Sentence: Some people believe that mediums can communicate with the spirit world.