

Meaning & Definition

An elected official in a county responsible for maintaining law and order, enforcing the law, and managing the county jail.
The sheriff held a press conference to address the recent increase in crime in the area.
A law enforcement officer of a county, typically the highest-ranking law officer in that jurisdiction.
Deputy sheriffs are often assigned to patrol neighborhoods and respond to emergency calls.
A government official in certain countries with responsibilities similar to those of a sheriff in the U.S.
In England, the sheriff has ceremonial duties and some legal responsibilities.


From Old French 'shire reeve', where 'shire' means district and 'reeve' means official.

Common Phrases and Expressions

sheriff's department:
The division of law enforcement headed by a sheriff.
sheriff's sale:
A public sale of property seized to satisfy a judgment.
sheriff's posse:
A group of volunteers assembled by a sheriff to assist in law enforcement.

Related Words

Slang Meanings

The top cop in town.
He thinks he's the sheriff around here.
A person who takes charge or leads a group.
She's the sheriff when it comes to organizing our trips.