I've always regretted not having traveled.
Vždycky jsem litoval, že jsem necestoval.
She traveled all over Europe last month.
Minulý měsíc procestovala celou Evropu.
Tom traveled all over the country.
Tom cestoval po celé zemi.
We traveled over a very good road.
Cestovali jsme po velmi dobré cestě.
I haven't traveled much in these parts for a long time.
Dlouho jsem v těchto končinách moc necestoval.
Tom traveled first class.
Tom cestoval první třídou.
Tom and I traveled together.
Tom a já jsme cestovali společně.
We traveled together.
Cestovali jsme spolu.
We do not travel to travel, but to have traveled.
Necestujeme cestovat, ale cestovat.
She traveled around the world.
Cestovala po celém světě.
She has traveled in foreign countries.
Cestovala po cizích zemích.
Some people traveled by train, and others by road.
Někteří lidé cestovali vlakem a jiní po silnici.
Have you ever traveled by plane?
Cestoval jsi někdy letadlem?
Roger traveled from town to town in the west.
Roger cestoval z města do města na západě.
He traveled all over the world.
Cestoval po celém světě.
He traveled around the world.
Cestoval po celém světě.
He traveled on business.
Cestoval služebně.
He traveled around the country.
Cestoval po celé zemi.
He traveled throughout the country.
Cestoval po celé zemi.
He traveled to Hawaii with the family.
S rodinou odcestoval na Havaj.
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