I'm here. Is there anybody home?
Jsem tady. Je někdo doma?
Tom got there long after we did.
Tom se tam dostal dlouho poté, co jsme to udělali.
Was there a book on the desk?
Byla na stole kniha?
Since there were no customers, we closed the shop early.
Protože tam nebyli žádní zákazníci, zavřeli jsme obchod dřív.
How long does this train stop there?
Jak dlouho tam tento vlak zastavuje?
Do you know how to get there?
Víš, jak se tam dostat?
I'm going there alone.
Jdu tam sám.
She had no idea how she got there.
Netušila, jak se tam dostala.
She had no idea how she got there.
Netušila, jak se tam dostala.
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