Harry works part-time at the local supermarket.
Harry pracuje na částečný úvazek v místním supermarketu.
I used to work in a supermarket.
Kdysi jsem pracoval v supermarketu.
I am not going to the supermarket for peaches, but for chocolate.
Nejedu do supermarketu na broskve, ale na čokoládu.
My wife buys vegetables from a supermarket nearby.
Moje žena kupuje zeleninu z nedalekého supermarketu.
I went to the supermarket and bought three oranges, besides two soda bottles.
Šel jsem do supermarketu a koupil tři pomeranče, kromě dvou lahví od sody.
Mary works in a supermarket.
Mary pracuje v supermarketu.
Where's the nearest supermarket?
Kde je nejbližší supermarket?
Do you know what time that supermarket closes?
Víš, v kolik zavírá ten supermarket?
The most famous supermarket is also the most expensive.
Nejznámější supermarket je také nejdražší.
I'm going to the supermarket to do some shopping.
Jdu do supermarketu nakoupit.
The supermarket didn't have what I wanted.
Supermarket neměl, co jsem chtěl.
I went to the supermarket.
Šel jsem do supermarketu.
Tom hasn't been to the supermarket in a long time.
Tom už dlouho nebyl v supermarketu.
Tom asked Mary to pick up some toothpaste and some toilet paper at the supermarket.
Tom požádal Mary, aby si v supermarketu vyzvedla nějakou zubní pastu a nějaký toaletní papír.
Tom is the owner of a supermarket.
Tom je majitelem supermarketu.
I work at the supermarket on the weekends.
O víkendech pracuji v supermarketu.
What does he buy at the supermarket?
Co si koupí v supermarketu?
Sweetheart, we need to go to the supermarket. We ran out of milk.
Miláčku, musíme jít do supermarketu. Došlo nám mléko.
They buy vegetables at the supermarket.
V supermarketu kupují zeleninu.
Where is the nearest supermarket?
Kde je nejbližší supermarket?
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