

Meaning & Definition

a state of no movement or activity where things are not progressing or advancing.
The project came to a standstill due to lack of funding.
a halt or stop in progress or movement.
Traffic reached a standstill during the rush hour.
a pause in action or development.
Negotiations are at a standstill until both parties agree on the terms.


The word originates from the combination of 'stand' and 'still'.

Common Phrases and Expressions

at a standstill:
In a state where no progress or movement is occurring.
come to a standstill:
To reach a point where no further progress is made.

Related Words

Slang Meanings

Stuck in a rut.
I feel like my life is at a standstill; I'm just stuck in a rut.
Traffic jam.
We were caught in a standstill on the highway for hours.