There's a coffee stain on your necktie.
Na kravatě máš skvrnu od kávy.
What's that stain?
Co je to za skvrnu?
The stain that was removed was still visible on the skirt.
Skvrna, která byla odstraněna, byla stále viditelná na sukni.
It was difficult to remove the coffee stain.
Bylo těžké odstranit skvrnu od kávy.
Rub the stain with vinegar.
Skvrnu potřeme octem.
The ink stain will not wash out.
Skvrna od inkoustu se nevymyje.
The coffee stain was difficult to remove.
Skvrnu od kávy bylo obtížné odstranit.
This ink stain will not wash out.
Tato skvrna od inkoustu se nevymyje.
I couldn't scrub the stain out.
Nemohl jsem tu skvrnu vydrhnout.
Two shirts and suits, please. There's a stain here.
Dvě košile a obleky, prosím. Je tady skvrna.
Your collar has a stain on it.
Váš obojek má na sobě skvrnu.
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