While my wife was shopping in town, I tidied up in the kitchen.
Zatímco moje žena nakupovala ve městě, já se uklidil v kuchyni.
I don't feel like going shopping with you today.
Nemám chuť jít s tebou dnes nakupovat.
I went shopping to buy something.
Šel jsem něco koupit na nákup.
I am going shopping.
Jdu nakupovat.
She was amidst the shopping center and anxiously looking sideways.
Byla uprostřed nákupního centra a úzkostlivě se dívala bokem.
She went shopping with her friend.
Šla nakupovat se svou kamarádkou.
Do you go shopping at the weekend?
Chodíte o víkendu nakupovat?
I'm going shopping.
Jdu nakupovat.
Tom went shopping.
Tom šel nakupovat.
I love shopping!
Miluju nakupování!
She is gone shopping.
Je pryč nakupovat.
He went shopping.
Šel nakupovat.
The shopping center will be demolished.
Obchodní centrum bude zbouráno.
My mother went to the department store to do some shopping.
Moje matka šla do obchodního domu nakoupit.
I'm going to the supermarket to do some shopping.
Jdu do supermarketu nakoupit.
Why are you doing shopping here? Everything is expensive.
Proč tu nakupujete? Všechno je drahé.
Tom almost always uses a credit card when he goes shopping.
Tom téměř vždy používá kreditní kartu, když jde nakupovat.
I have to go shopping; I'll be back in an hour.
Musím jít nakupovat; vrátím se za hodinu.
I've been shopping here for ages.
Nakupuji tu už věky.
I never go shopping on Saturdays.
Nikdy nechodím nakupovat v sobotu.
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