I turned the radio on so loud that the walls shook.
Zapnul jsem rádio tak hlasitě, že se stěny otřásly.
I asked if she was cold but Liisa shook her head.
Zeptal jsem se, jestli je jí zima, ale Liisa zavrtěla hlavou.
She shook hands with a co-worker.
Potřásla si rukou se spolupracovníkem.
I shook hands with Tom and left.
Potřásl jsem si rukou s Tomem a odešel.
They shook hands.
Potřásli si rukama.
She shook her head.
Zavrtěla hlavou.
He shook thousands of hands.
Potřásl si tisíci rukama.
They shook hands with each other.
Potřásli si mezi sebou rukou.
He shook hands with her and smiled.
Potřásl si s ní rukou a usmál se.
He shook his head.
Zavrtěl hlavou.
I shook my head a few times.
Párkrát jsem zavrtěl hlavou.
I shook my head.
Zavrtěl jsem hlavou.
The two men shook hands.
Oba muži si potřásli rukama.
She shook her head.
Zavrtěla hlavou.
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