Be careful not to scratch the furniture.
Dávejte pozor, abyste nábytek nepoškrábali.
Where did you get that scratch on your cheek?
Kde jsi vzal ten škrábanec na tváři?
The hare went out to the porch to scratch his balls. He thrust his paw - no balls there! Thus he fell down from the porch.
Zajíc vyšel na verandu, aby si poškrábal koule. Strčil tlapu - tam žádné koule! Tak spadl z verandy.
We need to start from scratch.
Musíme začít od nuly.
If you anger the cat, it will certainly scratch you.
Když naštveš kočku, určitě tě to poškrábe.
My cat purrs when I scratch behind his ears.
Moje kočka vrní, když ho poškrábu za ušima.
They had to start from scratch.
Museli začít od nuly.
My cat likes it when I scratch her behind the ears.
Moje kočka má ráda, když ji poškrábu za ušima.
The cat started to scratch the carpet.
Kočka začala škrábat koberec.
There's a scratch here. Could you give me a discount?
Je tady škrábanec. Mohl byste mi dát slevu?
We need to start from scratch.
Musíme začít od nuly.
We need to start from scratch.
Musíme začít od nuly.
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