The student had his cellphone confiscated after it began to ring in class.
Studentovi byl zabaven mobil poté, co začal zvonit ve třídě.
"Sometimes it seems, Tom, that we're the only adequate people over here." "You're right, Mary. However sad it is, but we're surrounded by idiots only, and their ring is inexorably tightening."
"Někdy se zdá, Tome, že jsme jediní adekvátní lid." "Máš pravdu, Mary. Jakkoli je to smutné, ale jsme obklopeni pouze idioty a jejich prsten se neúprosně stahuj."
Pass the rope through the ring and tie it.
Protáhněte lano kroužkem a přivažte ho.
The mother gave the girl a ring.
Matka dala dívce prsten.
Tom noticed Mary wasn't wearing the ring he'd given her.
Tom si všiml, že Mary nemá na sobě prsten, který jí dal.
How much is that gold ring?
Kolik stojí ten zlatý prsten?
Tom took the ring off his finger.
Tom si sundal prsten z prstu.
Tom took off his wedding ring and threw it into the pond.
Tom si sundal snubní prsten a hodil ho do jezírka.
Tom gave Mary a diamond ring.
Tom dal Mary diamantový prsten.
I gave him back his ring.
Vrátil jsem mu jeho prsten.
The ring is cursed.
Prsten je prokletý.
The set of complex numbers is isomorphic to a certain factor ring.
Množina komplexních čísel je izomorfní k určitému faktorovému kruhu.
This ring has lost its glitter.
Tento prsten ztratil svůj třpyt.
If you take the ring road, you'll get there faster.
Když pojedeš po obchvatu, dostaneš se tam rychleji.
That's a nice ring.
To je pěkný prsten.
Tom gave Mary an engagement ring.
Tom dal Mary zásnubní prsten.
The hand has five fingers: the thumb, the index finger, the middle finger, the ring finger, and the pinky.
Ruka má pět prstů: palec, ukazováček, prostředníček, prsteníček a malíček.
She doesn't want him to buy an expensive engagement ring.
Nechce, aby si koupil drahý zásnubní prsten.
In particular, the endomorphism ring of M is a commutative local ring.
Konkrétně kruh endomorfismu M je komutativní lokální kruh.