I can't quite picture Tom as a politician.
nedokážu si Toma představit jako politika.
Even the most tactful politician cannot have their foot in both camps for long.
Ani ten nejtaktnější politik nemůže mít dlouho nohu v obou táborech.
The politician proposed reforms to Congress.
Politik navrhl Kongresu reformy.
A truthful politician? Pull the other one!
Pravdivý politik? Zatáhněte za druhou!
His days as a politician are numbered.
Jeho dny jako politika jsou sečteny.
He has the backing of a certain politician.
Má podporu jistého politika.
The politician attempted a difficult task.
Politik se pokusil o těžký úkol.
A politician should serve the people.
Politik by měl sloužit lidem.
He is every bit a politician.
Je to politik.
He is a politician in all senses.
Je politikem ve všech smyslech.
My first impression was that he was a tactful politician.
Můj první dojem byl, že je to taktní politik.
I am not cut out to be a politician.
Nejsem stvořený k tomu, abych byl politikem.
That politician is an old fox.
Ten politik je stará liška.
The politician did not bother to apologize for betraying our trust.
Politik se neobtěžoval omluvit za to, že zradil naši důvěru.
The reporter shot questions at the politician.
Reportér střílel otázky na politika.
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