The policeman escorted Tom out of the room.
Policista vyprovodil Toma z místnosti.
The policeman signaled me to stop.
Policista mi dal znamení, abych přestal.
For a bribe, a traffic policeman agreed not to take away a driver's license.
Za úplatek se dopravní policista dohodl, že si řidičský průkaz neodnese.
The policeman, who is easily frightened, is funny; the policeman, indifferent to the misfortunes of others, is terrible.
Policista, který se snadno vyděsí, je vtipný; policista, lhostejný k neštěstí druhých, je hrozný.
The policeman read Tom his rights.
Policista Tomovi přečetl jeho práva.
Tom won't be able to become a policeman.
Tom se nebude moci stát policistou.
His behavior angered the policeman.
Jeho chování policistu rozzlobilo.
She didn't have anything to say to the policeman.
Neměla policistovi co říct.
Tom said that he thought Mary knew why John had become a policeman.
Tom řekl, že si myslel, že Mary ví, proč se John stal policistou.
The robber ran away when the policeman saw him.
Lupič utekl, když ho policista uviděl.
His father was a policeman.
Jeho otec byl policista.
I bribed the policeman.
podplatil jsem policistu.
The policeman was drunk.
Policista byl opilý.
Ask a policeman!
Zeptejte se policisty!
The policeman protected the witness.
Policista chránil svědka.
The policeman was checking the cars one-by-one.
Policista kontroloval auta jeden po druhém.
She inquired directions from the policeman.
Dotázala se policisty na pokyny.
I am a policeman.
Jsem policista.
I'm a policeman.
Jsem policista.
The policeman was on his usual nightly round.
Policista byl na svém obvyklém nočním kole.
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