I rolled out of bed last night.
Včera večer jsem se vykulil z postele.
I asked Tom why he wasn't at the party last night.
Zeptal jsem se Toma, proč nebyl včera večer na večírku.
The night is dark.
Noc je temná.
Tom arrived at Mary's house in the middle of the night.
Tom dorazil do Maryina domu uprostřed noci.
There was such a racket at my house last night, I couldn't sleep.
Včera v noci byla u mě doma taková raketa, nemohla jsem spát.
You've barely said a word all night.
Celou noc jsi sotva řekl slovo.
We do this every night.
Děláme to každou noc.
The last thing Tom does every night before going to sleep is set his alarm clock.
Poslední věc, kterou Tom dělá každý večer, než jde spát, je nastavit si budík.
We had an argument about it last night.
Včera večer jsme se o tom pohádali.
On the night of the murder, when was the last time that you saw Tom?
V noci vraždy, kdy jsi naposledy viděl Toma?
I couldn't sleep last night.
Včera večer jsem nemohl spát.
Last night there was a fire in the neighborhood.
Včera v noci došlo v sousedství k požáru.
Are you doing anything tomorrow night?
Děláš něco zítra večer?
When Tom was walking down the street at night, a man he didn't know threatened him with a knife and robbed him of his cash.
Když Tom šel v noci po ulici, muž, kterého neznal, mu vyhrožoval nožem a okradl ho o peníze.
Tom was threatened with a knife on the street at night by an unfamiliar man and robbed of his money.
Tomovi v noci na ulici vyhrožoval nožem neznámý muž a okradl ho o peníze.
On the street at night, Tom was threatened by an unfamiliar man with a knife and robbed of his money.
Na noční ulici Tomovi vyhrožoval neznámý muž nožem a okradl ho o peníze.
How many hours did you sleep last night?
Kolik hodin jsi včera v noci spal?
What made him leave his home and run away late at night?
Co ho přimělo opustit svůj domov a utéct pozdě v noci?
Who was there that night?
Kdo tam byl tu noc?
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