I used to be an adventurer like you, then I took an arrow in the knee.
Býval jsem dobrodruh jako ty, pak jsem vzal šíp do kolena.
My knee hurts.
Bolí mě koleno.
When I fell I tore a hole in the knee of my pants.
Když jsem spadl, roztrhl jsem si díru v koleni kalhot.
I hit my knee against the door.
narazil jsem kolenem o dveře.
Since his hands were full, Tom pushed open the door with his knee.
Protože měl plné ruce práce, Tom kolenem otevřel dveře.
Tom fell and hurt his knee.
Tom upadl a poranil si koleno.
Mary treated her wounded knee.
Mary si ošetřila zraněné koleno.
Won't you sit on my knee?
Nesedneš mi na koleno?
The snow was knee deep.
Sníh byl hluboký po kolena.
I like to wear my skirts knee length.
Ráda nosím sukně po kolena.
Her dress is above the knee.
Její šaty jsou nad kolenem.
He was knee deep in mud.
Byl po kolena v blátě.
He hurt his knee when he fell.
Když spadl, poranil si koleno.
The boy fell and scraped his knee.
Chlapec upadl a odřel si koleno.
Tom hurt his left knee during practice, so John had to play the game in his place.
Tom si během tréninku poranil levé koleno, takže John musel hrát hru místo něj.
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