Get out of my kitchen!
Vypadni z mé kuchyně!
While my wife was shopping in town, I tidied up in the kitchen.
Zatímco moje žena nakupovala ve městě, já se uklidil v kuchyni.
If it were so easy to take a house with you, I would at least have brought one with a kitchen and a bathroom.
Kdyby bylo tak snadné vzít si s sebou dům, přinesl bych si alespoň jeden s kuchyní a koupelnou.
I'm drinking water in the kitchen.
Piju vodu v kuchyni.
Help yourself. There's plenty more in the kitchen.
Pomozte si. V kuchyni je toho mnohem víc.
"Where are my glasses?" - "You've left them on the kitchen table."
"Kde mám brýle?" - "Nechal jsi je na kuchyňském stol."
I'm eating soup in the kitchen.
Jím polévku v kuchyni.
Lock the dog in the kitchen.
Zamkněte psa v kuchyni.
Do you mind eating in the kitchen?
Nevadí vám jíst v kuchyni?
Who's in charge of the school kitchen?
Kdo má na starosti školní kuchyni?
You'll find it under the kitchen stove.
Najdeš to pod kuchyňským sporákem.
These goats will ruin your kitchen garden.
Tyhle kozy ti zničí kuchyňskou zahradu.
Tom was in the kitchen.
Tom byl v kuchyni.
Tom is in the kitchen washing dishes.
Tom je v kuchyni a myje nádobí.
I'll be in the kitchen.
Budu v kuchyni.
Tom went to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee.
Tom šel do kuchyně pro šálek kávy.
What was that loud crash in the kitchen?
Co to bylo za hlasitý náraz v kuchyni?
I need a kitchen knife.
Potřebuju kuchyňský nůž.
There are rats in the kitchen.
V kuchyni jsou krysy.
Is there a telephone in the kitchen?
Je v kuchyni telefon?
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