I liked Mary, not for her looks, but for her kindness.
Mary se mi líbila, ne pro její vzhled, ale pro její laskavost.
I'm thankful for your kindness.
Jsem vděčný za vaši laskavost.
Thank you very much for your kindness.
Moc děkuji za vaši laskavost.
She is popular not because of her beauty, but because of her kindness.
Je oblíbená ne kvůli své kráse, ale kvůli své laskavosti.
I'll never forget your kindness as long as I live.
Nikdy nezapomenu na tvou laskavost, dokud budu žít.
I was greatly moved by her kindness.
Její laskavost mě velmi dojala.
He had the kindness to take me to the hospital.
Měl laskavost, že mě vzal do nemocnice.
He showed kindness by giving me a piece of advice.
Prokázal laskavost tím, že mi dal radu.
He was kindness itself.
Byl laskavostí samotnou.
I cannot forget his kindness.
Nemohu zapomenout na jeho laskavost.
His kindness touched my heart.
Jeho laskavost se dotkla mého srdce.
I would like to repay him for his kindness.
Chtěl bych mu oplatit jeho laskavost.
I can't forget his kindness.
Nemůžu zapomenout na jeho laskavost.
I'll never forget your kindness.
Nikdy nezapomenu na tvou laskavost.
We can not rely on her kindness.
Nemůžeme se spolehnout na její laskavost.
We'll never forget your kindness.
Nikdy nezapomeneme na tvou laskavost.
I will never forget your kindness.
Nikdy nezapomenu na tvou laskavost.
I can't thank you enough for your kindness.
Nemohu vám dostatečně poděkovat za vaši laskavost.
I really appreciate your kindness.
Vážně si vážím tvé laskavosti.
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