Meaning & Definition of word "Insufficiently"






    • 1. In a way that is not adequate or enough.
      • Example: The project was insufficiently funded, leading to delays in its completion.
    • 2. Lacking the necessary quality or quantity.
      • Example: She was insufficiently prepared for the exam, resulting in a poor performance.
    • 3. In a manner that does not meet the required standards.
      • Example: The service at the restaurant was insufficiently attentive, causing frustration among the patrons.
    • 4. Not to an adequate extent or degree.
      • Example: The report was insufficiently detailed to make a proper assessment of the situation.


    From Latin 'insufficientem' meaning 'not enough'.

    Common Phrases and Expressions

    insufficient evidence:

    Evidence that does not adequately support a conclusion.

    insufficient funds:

    Not having enough money to cover a cost.

    insufficient knowledge:

    Lack of adequate information or understanding.

    Related Words


    Adequate amount or degree.


    Not enough; inadequate.

    Slang Meanings of insufficiently

    Meaning: Not cutting it.

    Example Sentence: Your excuse just isn't cutting it; it was insufficient.

    Meaning: Subpar.

    Example Sentence: That performance was subpar and insufficient for this competition.