I've got an Italian handbag.
Mám italskou kabelku.
This is my handbag.
Tohle je moje kabelka.
It is a dog who meets a crocodile. The crocodile tells the dog: - Hello, flea bag! And the dog responds: - Hello, handbag!
Je to pes, který potká krokodýla. Krokodýl říká psovi: - Ahoj, bleší taška! A pes odpovídá: - Ahoj, kabelka!
My handbag has been stolen.
Moje kabelka byla ukradena.
She was robbed of the handbag that she had bought last week.
Byla okradena o kabelku, kterou si koupila minulý týden.
She lost her handbag.
Ztratila kabelku.
She had her handbag stolen.
Nechala si ukrást kabelku.
The thief made off with the woman's handbag.
Zloděj utekl s ženinou kabelkou.
The thief snatched the woman's handbag and took to his heels.
Zloděj ženě uchopil kabelku a vzal si ji na paty.
Who has taken my handbag?
Kdo mi vzal kabelku?
My handbag has been stolen.
Moje kabelka byla ukradena.
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