You can fellow me.
Můžeš mi to spolubrat.
Don't fellow me.
Nespolupracujte se mnou.
I remember one fellow in particular.
Pamatuji si zejména jednoho chlapíka.
That fellow was fired last week.
Ten chlapík byl minulý týden vyhozen.
Who's that fellow over there?
Kdo je tamten chlapík?
I feel very sorry for Tom, poor fellow.
Je mi Toma moc líto, chudáčku.
Tom was a fellow student of mine at school.
Tom byl můj spolužák ve škole.
Tom is a pretty good fellow when you get to know him.
Tom je docela dobrý chlapík, když ho poznáte.
Tom was just a little fellow when his folks moved here.
Tom byl jen malý chlapík, když se sem jeho lidé přestěhovali.
There was a young fellow in to see you a half an hour ago.
Před půl hodinou za vámi byl mladý chlapík.
I'm writing the fellow.
Píšu chlapíkovi.
In fact, he is a nice fellow.
Ve skutečnosti je to milý chlapík.
If it were not for his idleness, he would be a nice fellow.
Nebýt jeho zahálky, byl by to milý chlapík.
He's quite a nice fellow but I don't like him.
Je to docela milý chlapík, ale nemám ho rád.
He is really a queer fellow!
Je to opravdu divný chlapík!
He seems to be a nice fellow.
Zdá se, že je to milý chlapík.
He is a good fellow.
Je to dobrý chlapík.
I can't bear that fellow.
Toho chlapa nesnesu.
I absolutely will not speak to that fellow again!
Rozhodně s tím chlapíkem už nebudu mluvit!
I did wrong in trusting such a fellow.
udělal jsem špatně, když jsem takovému chlapíkovi věřil.
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