Only a few drops of rain have fallen.
Spadlo jen pár kapek deště.
Tom has already fallen asleep.
Tom už usnul.
The fallen tree barred our way.
Padlý strom nám zatarasil cestu.
That tradition has fallen into desuetude.
Tato tradice upadla do bezvýchodnosti.
Tom has fallen out of favor.
Tom upadl v nemilost.
That tradition has fallen by the wayside.
Tato tradice upadla stranou.
Farm prices had fallen fifty-five percent.
Farmářské ceny klesly o padesát pět procent.
She's never fallen in love.
Nikdy se nezamilovala.
When rain's fallen and the soil is moist, it becomes easier to pull out weeds.
Když prší a půda je vlhká, je snazší vytrhávat plevel.
You haven't fallen in love have you!? I won't have it! Having that man become my brother-in-law; I absolutely hate that!
Ty ses nezamiloval, že ne!? Nebudu ho mít! Mít toho muže, aby se stal mým švagrem; To naprosto nenávidím!
A fallen rock barred his way.
Spadlý kámen mu zatarasil cestu.
The leaves have all fallen.
Všechny listy opadly.
The road was obstructed by fallen trees.
Cestě bránily popadané stromy.
Has she ever fallen in love?
Zamilovala se někdy?
I haven't fallen in love like this since I was seventeen.
Takhle jsem se nezamilovala od svých sedmnácti let.
The road is blocked with fallen trees.
Silnice je zablokována spadlými stromy.
A fallen tree obstructed the road.
Padlý strom překážel silnici.
The garden was covered with fallen leaves.
Zahrada byla pokryta spadaným listím.
The pond was dotted with fallen leaves.
Rybník byl posetý spadaným listím.
Much snow has fallen.
Napadlo hodně sněhu.
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