It's my father who stopped drinking.
Je to můj otec, kdo přestal pít.
I'm drinking water in the kitchen.
Piju vodu v kuchyni.
He stopped drinking.
Přestal pít.
I'm drinking a beer.
Piju pivo.
The meaning of average man's life consists in three things: eating, drinking, and fucking.
Smysl života průměrného člověka spočívá ve třech věcech: jíst, pít a šukat.
Melanie is drinking milk.
Melanie pije mléko.
I'm drinking orange juice.
Piju pomerančový džus.
I am drinking coffee at a cafe.
Piju kafe v kavárně.
The cat is drinking your milk.
Kočka pije tvé mléko.
My brother closes his eyes when he's drinking.
Můj bratr zavře oči, když pije.
I think you might have a drinking problem.
Myslím, že bys mohl mít problém s pitím.
You've been drinking, haven't you?
Pil jsi, že?
Tom isn't drinking green tea.
Tom nepije zelený čaj.
He ruined his health with drinking.
Pitím si zničil zdraví.
My parents don't want me drinking beer every night.
Moji rodiče nechtějí, abych každý večer pil pivo.
Tom is drinking juice.
Tom pije džus.
I have quit smoking and drinking.
Přestal jsem kouřit a pít.
She's sitting in the kitchen and drinking tea.
Sedí v kuchyni a pije čaj.
I am drinking coffee.
Piju kávu.
He stirs his tea before drinking it.
Než ho vypije, zamíchá čaj.
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