Meaning & Definition of word "Disappearance"






    • 1. The act or process of disappearing; the condition of being lost or no longer visible.
      • Example: The sudden disappearance of the plane caused widespread panic.
    • 2. The state of being no longer present or existent.
      • Example: Scientists are studying the disappearance of certain animal species from the planet.
    • 3. An event in which someone or something goes missing.
      • Example: The mysterious disappearance of the child left the community in shock.
    • 4. The gradual process of becoming less visible or obvious.
      • Example: The disappearance of the sun behind the clouds signaled the approaching storm.
    • 5. The cessation of existence or the vanishing from a particular location.
      • Example: Her disappearance from the social scene raised a lot of questions among her friends.


    From the Middle French 'disparition' and Latin 'disparitio', meaning 'to vanish' or 'to go away'.

    Common Phrases and Expressions

    disappearance act:

    A performance that involves a quick change or vanish.

    mysterious disappearance:

    A case where someone or something goes missing without explanation.

    sudden disappearance:

    An abrupt vanishing that can take people by surprise.

    Related Words


    To disappear suddenly and completely.


    The process of becoming nonexistent or invisible.


    Not present in a place or situation.

    Slang Meanings of disappearance

    Meaning: Gone without a trace.

    Example Sentence: He just went poof and his stuff was all gone — total disappearance.

    Meaning: Absconding or taking off quickly.

    Example Sentence: She pulled a Houdini and made a disappearance just before the bill arrived.