He lowered his head and began crying.
Sklonil hlavu a začal plakat.
Pull yourself together and stop crying.
Seber se a přestaň brečet.
"Tom's crying." "I know."
"Tom pláče." "Já vím."
Tom started crying.
Tom začal plakat.
Tom was about to burst out crying.
Tom se chystal propuknout v pláč.
He started crying as soon as he heard the news.
Začal plakat, jakmile se dozvěděl zprávu.
I was crying.
Brečela jsem.
She looked like she was going to start crying again.
Vypadala, že začne zase brečet.
She started crying and I started crying too.
Začala brečet a já taky.
She came home crying.
Přišla domů s pláčem.
Stop crying like a little girl.
Přestaň brečet jako malá holka.
Tom began crying.
Tom začal plakat.
Stop crying.
Přestaň brečet.
It's no use crying over spilt milk.
Nemá cenu brečet nad rozlitým mlékem.
The child stopped crying and calmed down.
Dítě přestalo plakat a uklidnilo se.
Tom was crying.
Tom plakal.
Don't tell him that, or he'll start crying.
To mu neříkej, nebo začne brečet.
Eliza is crying.
Eliza pláče.
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