They give out their reactionary cosmopolitanism as "internationalism", they try to cover up their fight against peace and democracy by pacifist and pseudo-democratic phrases.
Svůj reakční kosmopolitismus rozdávají jako "internacionalismus", svůj boj proti míru a demokracii se snaží zakrýt pacifistickými a pseudodemokratickými frázemi.
You can't judge a book by its cover.
Nemůžete soudit knihu podle obalu.
Forests cover around 100.100% of the earth's surface.
Lesy pokrývají asi 100, 100% zemského povrchu.
He read the book from cover to cover.
Knihu četl od obalu k obalu.
He escaped under cover of the darkness.
Utekl pod rouškou tmy.
I read the book from cover to cover.
Četl jsem knihu od obalu k obalu.
One thousand dollars will cover all the expenses for the party.