Tom translated the contract into French.
Tom přeložil smlouvu do francouzštiny.
I have a contract.
Mám smlouvu.
Sign the contract.
Podepsat smlouvu.
The contract was signed.
Smlouva byla podepsána.
Have you ever signed a contract?
Podepsal jste někdy smlouvu?
This is the first time I've ever signed a contract.
Tohle je poprvé, co jsem kdy podepsal smlouvu.
Don't faint! Not until you sign the contract.
Neomdlévej! Ne, dokud nepodepíšeš smlouvu.
Tom signed the contract.
Tom podepsal smlouvu.
His oral agreement may not mean anything without his signed contract.
Jeho ústní dohoda nemusí znamenat nic bez jeho podepsané smlouvy.
The new contract enables us to demand whatever we want.
Nová smlouva nám umožňuje požadovat, co chceme.
You'd better examine the contract carefully before signing.
Před podpisem byste měli smlouvu pečlivě prozkoumat.
Their contract is to run out at the end of this month.
Jejich smlouva má vypršet na konci tohoto měsíce.
He was made to sign the contract against his will.
Byl nucen podepsat smlouvu proti své vůli.
I carefully explored the contract.
pečlivě jsem prozkoumal smlouvu.
Please sign your name on the contract.
Prosím, podepište své jméno na smlouvě.
This contract binds me to pay them 100 thousand dollars.
Tato smlouva mě zavazuje zaplatit jim 100 tisíc dolarů.
Mr Johnson suddenly changed his mind and signed the contract.
Pan Johnson náhle změnil názor a podepsal smlouvu.
He was compelled to sign the contract.
Byl nucen podepsat smlouvu.
Tom translated the contract into French.
Tom přeložil smlouvu do francouzštiny.
This is the first time I've ever signed a contract.
Tohle je poprvé, co jsem kdy podepsal smlouvu.
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