Meaning & Definition of word "Commercialism"
- 1. The principles and practices of commerce, especially the excessive promotion of commercial interests, often at the expense of other values.
- Example: The rise of commercialism in the festival has transformed it into a platform for branding and advertising.
- 2. The practice of prioritizing profit and commercial interests over social, ethical, or artistic considerations.
- Example: The film industry has faced criticism for its increasing commercialism, sacrificing quality for box office success.
- 3. An emphasis on the sale of goods and services, often leading to the commodification of culture or experiences.
- Example: The commercialism of the holiday season often overshadows its original meaning of family and togetherness.
Derived from the word 'commercial' which comes from Latin 'commercialis', from 'mercari' meaning to trade.
Common Phrases and Expressions
commercialism in education:
The influence of business and profit motives in educational settings.
commercialism of culture:
The transformation of cultural goods into marketable commodities.
commercialism over ethics:
Prioritizing profit and commerce over ethical considerations.
Related Words
The protection or promotion of the interests of consumers.
An economic system based on private ownership and free markets.
An economic theory that trade generates wealth and is stimulated by the accumulation of profitable balances.
Slang Meanings of commercialism
Meaning: Cash grab
Example Sentence: The new movie felt like a cash grab with all its merchandising.
Meaning: Sellout
Example Sentence: He was accused of being a sellout after he started endorsing popular brands.