

Meaning & Definition

A punctuation mark (,) used to indicate a pause between parts of a sentence or to separate items in a list.
Please bring the following items: apples, oranges, bananas, and grapes.
A mark used to denote the decimal point in some countries.
In Germany, €20,50 is used instead of €20.50.
In music notation, a symbol indicating a pause in the music.
The composer added a comma in the score to indicate a pause.


From Latin 'comma', from Greek 'kommata', which means 'a piece cut off'.

Common Phrases and Expressions

comma splice:
An error in which two independent clauses are joined by a comma without a coordinating conjunction.
in a nutshell:
A brief summary, often following a comma for clarity.

Related Words

Slang Meanings

A pause in conversation or thought.
He talked for so long I needed a comma to catch up.