I went to the cinema yesterday.
Včera jsem šla do kina.
I seldom go to cinema.
do kina chodím málokdy.
I usually go to cinema with my friends.
Obvykle chodím s kamarády do kina.
He much enjoys going to the cinema.
Hodně rád chodí do kina.
My friends went to the cinema without me.
Moji přátelé šli do kina beze mě.
We're going to the cinema. Come with us.
Jdeme do kina. Pojďte s námi.
We're going to the cinema. Come with us.
Jdeme do kina. Pojďte s námi.
Why don't you want to come to the cinema with me?
Proč se mnou nechceš jít do kina?
I'm going to the cinema.
Jdu do kina.
If you're bored, I suggest you to go to the cinema.
Jestli se nudíš, navrhuju ti, abys šel do kina.
The cinema is bursting at the seams.
Kino praská ve švech.
Where shall we go now? To the theatre or cinema?
Kam půjdeme teď? Do divadla nebo kina?
We are going to the cinema.
Jdeme do kina.
He often goes to the cinema with her.
Často s ní chodí do kina.
The concert ticket costs more than the cinema ticket.
Vstupenka na koncert stojí víc než vstupenka do kina.
How much does a cinema ticket cost?
Kolik stojí vstupenka do kina?
Why do people go to the cinema?
Proč lidé chodí do kina?
I am fond of the cinema.
Mám rád kino.
I don't feel like working; what about going to a cinema instead?
Nemám chuť pracovat; co místo toho jít do kina?
Could you take me to the cinema?
Mohl bys mě vzít do kina?
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