Our teacher comes to school by car.
Náš učitel přijede do školy autem.
I have to be back home by seven.
Musím být zpátky doma do sedmi.
How long does it take from here to your house by bike?
Jak dlouho to odsud trvá do vašeho domu na kole?
Could you send it by email?
Mohl byste to poslat emailem?
He explained by means of diagrams.
Vysvětlil pomocí diagramů.
Belarus has been described by former US secretary of state Condoleezza Rice as "the last remaining true dictatorship in the heart of Europe".
Bělorusko popsala bývalá ministryně zahraničí USA Condoleezza Riceová jako "poslední zbývající skutečnou diktaturu v srdci Evropy".
The boy is always mocked by his classmates.
Klukovi se spolužáci vždy vysmívají.
The patient needs to be looked after by a doctor. And the sooner the doctor looks after him, the better.
O pacienta se musí starat lékař. A čím dřív se o něj doktor postará, tím líp.
Did you make it by yourself?
Zvládl jsi to sám?
Did you make it by yourself?
Zvládl jsi to sám?
I met him by chance in the train this morning.
Dnes ráno jsem ho náhodou potkal ve vlaku.
We left by train.
Odjeli jsme vlakem.
We left by train.
Odjeli jsme vlakem.
Because it is distant, it is painful by bicycle.
Protože je vzdálená, je na kole bolestivá.
The truly remarkable feature of sound production by birds is that the two sides of the syrinx can act independently.
Skutečně pozoruhodným rysem produkce zvuku ptáky je, že obě strany syrinxu mohou působit nezávisle.
Japan is bounded by water on every side.
Japonsko je ze všech stran ohraničeno vodou.
They often go on picnics by bicycle.
Často jezdí na pikniky na kole.
I was laughed at by everyone.
Všichni se mi smáli.
How to profit by this book as much as possible?
Jak z této knihy co nejvíce profitovat?
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