The ballon burst.
Balón praskl.
Everybody was looking at her when she burst into laughter.
Všichni se na ni dívali, když propukla v smích.
Tom burst into a rage.
Tom se rozzuřil.
The water main has burst.
Vodní potrubí prasklo.
The car turned over and burst into flames.
Auto se otočilo a vzplanulo.
The whole area was flooded when the main burst.
Celá oblast byla zaplavena, když hlavní praskla.
Tom was about to burst out crying.
Tom se chystal propuknout v pláč.
The building burst into flames.
Budova vzplanula.
As soon as she saw me, she burst out crying.
Jakmile mě uviděla, vybuchla pláčem.
Tom burst out crying.
Tom vybuchl pláčem.
The balloon will burst.
Balón praskne.
Upon hearing the news, she burst out crying.
Když se to dozvěděla, propukla v pláč.
She burst into the room.
Vtrhla do místnosti.
She burst into laughter.
Vypukla smíchy.
She burst into tears at the news.
Při té zprávě se rozplakala.
She burst into tears.
Rozplakala se.
The buds began to burst.
Pupeny začaly praskat.
As soon as she met him, she burst into tears.
Jakmile ho potkala, rozplakala se.
He burst into the room.
Vtrhl do místnosti.
Suddenly, Hiroko burst into tears.
Náhle se Hiroko rozplakala.
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