The children love playing in their new tree house, which they built themselves.
Děti si rády hrají ve svém novém domku na stromě, který si samy postavily.
You built it, didn't you?
Postavil jsi to, že?
Here is another quote from Luis Fernando Verissimo: "Never be afraid of trying something new. Remember that a single layman constructed the ark, and a large group of professionals built the Titanic.
Zde je další citát Luise Fernanda Verissima: „Nikdy se nebojte zkusit něco nového. Pamatujte, že archu postavil jediný laik a velká skupina profesionálů postavila Titanic.
How were the pyramids built?
Jak byly pyramidy postaveny?
Tom built the whole thing at his own expense.
Tom to celé postavil na vlastní náklady.
We built a fire on the beach.
Postavili jsme oheň na pláži.
The human soul is built such that a lie works upon it a hundred times better than the truth does.
Lidská duše je postavena tak, že na ní působí lež stokrát lépe než pravda.