This bowl of soup will be enough.
Tahle miska polévky bude stačit.
Tom put the bowl into the microwave.
Tom dal misku do mikrovlnky.
A kiss without a mustache is like a bowl of soup with no salt.
Polibek bez kníru je jako miska polévky bez soli.
The bowl was perfectly round.
Miska byla dokonale kulatá.
When I was little, my grandmother would put out a small bowl of milk specifically for hedgehogs.
Když jsem byla malá, babička vyházela malou misku mléka speciálně pro ježky.
A bowl of rice is about 100 grams.
Miska rýže je asi 100 gramů.
He formed the clay into a bowl.
Hlínu zformoval do mísy.
The soup in the bowl was very delicious.
Polévka v misce byla velmi lahodná.
There is no sugar in the bowl.
V misce není cukr.
Tom put the bowl into the microwave.
Tom dal misku do mikrovlnky.
The bowl was perfectly round.
Miska byla dokonale kulatá.
The bowl was perfectly round.
Miska byla dokonale kulatá.
A bowl of rice is about 180 grams.
Miska rýže má asi 180 gramů.
A bowl of rice is about 180 grams.
Miska rýže má asi 180 gramů.
A bowl of rice is about 180 grams.
Miska rýže má asi 180 gramů.
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