If I don't have a bow, I can't play the violin.
Když nemám smyčec, nemůžu hrát na housle.
The only business of the head in the world is to bow a ceaseless obeisance to the heart.
Jedinou věcí hlavy na světě je sklonit se k neutuchající pokloně srdci.
By the age of seven, he had already made his own bow and arrows.
V sedmi letech si již vyrobil vlastní luk a šípy.
The boy gave me a bow.
Ten kluk se mi uklonil.
This is a bow for a strong person.
To je luk pro silného člověka.
Native Americans fought with bow and arrow.
Domorodí Američané bojovali lukem a šípy.
A bow is no use without arrows.
Luk je bez šípů k ničemu.
He took off his hat and made a polite bow.
Sundal si klobouk a zdvořile se uklonil.
He made a polite bow to his teacher.
Zdvořile se uklonil svému učiteli.
The little girl made a polite bow to me.
Holčička se mi zdvořile uklonila.
The only business of the head in the world is to bow a ceaseless obeisance to the heart.
Jedinou věcí hlavy na světě je sklonit se k neutuchající pokloně srdci.
He made a polite bow to his teacher.
Zdvořile se uklonil svému učiteli.
He made a polite bow to his teacher.
Zdvořile se uklonil svému učiteli.
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