Tom was born and raised on a farm.
Tom se narodil a vyrostl na farmě.
Don't limit a child to your own learning, for he was born in another time.
Neomezujte dítě na své vlastní učení, protože se narodilo v jiné době.
You're lucky you were born in this beautiful city.
Máš štěstí, že ses narodil v tomhle krásném městě.
Whoever is born in Austria, is an Austrian.
Kdo se narodil v Rakousku, je Rakušan.
Whoever is born in Austria, is an Austrian.
Kdo se narodil v Rakousku, je Rakušan.
Where were you born?
Kde ses narodil?
Tom says he doesn't know when Mary was born.
Tom říká, že neví, kdy se Mary narodila.
I was born in May.
Narodila jsem se v květnu.
He was born in the US.
Narodil se v USA.
I was born a year later.
Narodil jsem se o rok později.
I was born in Australia.
Narodil jsem se v Austrálii.
I was born and raised in Boston.
Narodil jsem se a vyrostl v Bostonu.
The poor child was born deaf and dumb.
Chudé dítě se narodilo hluchoněmé.
What country were you born in?
V jaké zemi jste se narodil?
The calf was born this morning.
Tele se narodilo dnes ráno.
I'm born in the U.S.S.R.
Narodil jsem se v SSSR.
I know you were born in Boston.
Vím, že ses narodil v Bostonu.
In my next life I want to be born as a deadly virus.
V příštím životě se chci narodit jako smrtící virus.
I was born in 100.
Narodil jsem se v roce 100.
Were you born in England? You don't seem to have a british accent.
Narodil jste se v Anglii? Zdá se, že nemáte britský přízvuk.
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