The railroad isn't to blame for the slowness of the mail.
Železnice nemůže za pomalost pošty.
Tom is to blame for all of this.
Tom za to všechno může.
Don't blame Tom. He's only doing his duty.
Neobviňujte Toma. Dělá jen svou povinnost.
Who is to blame?
Kdo za to může?
Tom took the blame for their mistake.
Tom vzal vinu za jejich chybu.
Tom didn't blame us for what we said.
Tom nás neobviňoval z toho, co jsme řekli.
We can't blame them.
Nemůžeme jim to vyčítat.
It was Tom's idea, not mine. Don't blame me.
Byl to Tomův nápad, ne můj. Neobviňuj mě.
I couldn't blame you for that.
Nemohl bych tě za to vinit.
Don't blame this on Tom.
Tohle nesváděj na Toma.
Don't blame Tom.
Neobviňujte Toma.
Do you blame me?
Viníš mě?
Don't try to blame this all on me.
Nesnaž se tohle všechno svádět na mě.
Don't blame me.
Neobviňuj mě.
If something goes wrong, just blame it on the translator.
Jestli se něco pokazí, tak to prostě sveď na překladatele.
Is the GOP to blame for the current economic crisis?
Může za současnou hospodářskou krizi republikánská strana?
I can't blame Tom for that.
Nemůžu za to Toma vinit.
Tom doesn't blame you for anything.
Tom tě z ničeho neobviňuje.
I don't blame him.
Já mu to nevyčítám.
Don't blame Tom for what Mary did.
Neobviňujte Toma z toho, co Mary udělala.
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