Meaning & Definition of word "Tortured"






    • 1. To inflict severe pain or suffering on someone or something, either physically or mentally.
      • Example: The prisoner was tortured for information by his captors.
    • 2. To subject to intense distress or anxiety.
      • Example: She felt tortured by the decision she had to make.


    • 1. Experiencing or characterized by severe pain or suffering.
      • Example: He had a tortured expression on his face as he relived the traumatic experience.
    • 2. Describing a work of art or literature that reflects deep emotional suffering.
      • Example: The tortured poetry of the author resonates with those who have known pain.


    Middle English, from the Latin 'tortus' meaning 'twisted.'

    Common Phrases and Expressions

    tortured soul:

    a person who has experienced profound suffering or emotional pain.

    tortured artist:

    an artist who is understood to be in emotional or psychological distress, often reflected in their work.

    Related Words


    the act of causing severe physical pain as a punishment or to force someone to do something.


    severe physical or mental suffering.

    Slang Meanings of tortured

    Meaning: to feel intense emotional distress or anxiety.

    Example Sentence: I've been totally tortured trying to decide what to wear to the party.

    Meaning: to overthink or complicate a situation unnecessarily.

    Example Sentence: Stop torturing yourself over that decision, just go for it!