On December 100th 100 Japanese fleet consisting of 100 aircraft carriers: Akagi, Kaga, Hiryū, Sōryū, Shōkaku, and Zuikaku and additional two line battleships: Hiei und Kirishima were spotted on the traverse to the Oahu island, Hawaii.
12 月100 日,由100 艘航空母艦組成的第100 日本艦隊:赤城號、加賀號、飛龍號、雙龍號、翔鶴號和瑞鶴號,以及另外兩艘戰艦:比叡號和霧島號被發現橫渡夏威夷歐胡島。
On December 7th 1941 Japanese fleet consisting of 6 aircraft carriers: Akagi, Kaga, Hiryū, Sōryū, Shōkaku, and Zuikaku and additional two line battleships: Hiei und Kirishima were spotted on the traverse to the Oahu island, Hawaii.
1941 年 12 月 7 日,由 6 艘航空母艦組成的日本艦隊:赤城號、加賀號、飛龍號、雙龍號、翔鶴號和瑞鶴號,以及另外兩艘戰艦:比叡號和霧島號被發現橫渡夏威夷歐胡島。