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Translation meaning & definition of the word "vocabulary" into Chinese (Simplified) language


EnglishChinese (Simplified)




1. A listing of the words used in some enterprise

  • vocabulary

1. 某些企业中使用的单词列表

  • 词汇

2. A language user's knowledge of words

  • vocabulary
  • ,
  • lexicon
  • ,
  • mental lexicon

2. 语言用户的单词知识

  • 词汇
  • ,
  • 词典
  • ,
  • 精神词典

3. The system of techniques or symbols serving as a means of expression (as in arts or crafts)

  • "He introduced a wide vocabulary of techniques"
  • vocabulary

3. 用作表达手段的技术或符号系统(如手工艺品)

  • "“他介绍了广泛的技术词汇”"
  • 词汇

Examples of using

There is no result for this search (yet) but you can help us feeding the corpus with new vocabulary!
When an English speaker realises that a foreign person they are speaking to doesn't understand one of their sentences, they repeat it, the same way, but louder, as though the person were deaf. At no point does it come to their mind that their vocabulary might be complicated or that their expression might most probably be ambiguous to a foreigner and that they could reword it in a simpler way. The result is that not only the person still doesn't understand, but gets irritated at being considered deaf.
当说英语的人意识到与他们交谈的外国人听不懂他们的句子之一时,他们会以相同的方式重复,但声音更大,好像这个人是聋子一样。他们从来没有想到他们的词汇可能很复杂,或者他们的表达对外国人来说可能是模棱两可的,并且他们可以在 更简单的方法。结果是,不仅这个人仍然不理解,而且因为被认为是聋子而感到恼火。
Let's find sentences with new vocabulary on this topic, add them to the following list: _____; and translate them.