Meaning & Definition of word "Stethoscope"






    • 1. An instrument used by medical professionals to listen to internal sounds of a patient's body, especially the heart and lungs.
      • Example: The doctor placed the stethoscope on the patient's chest to listen to their heartbeat.
    • 2. A medical device that amplifies bodily sounds for examination and diagnosis.
      • Example: The nurse brought out her stethoscope to check the patient's lung sounds during the exam.
    • 3. A tool essential for healthcare providers to assess health conditions through auscultation.
      • Example: He always kept his stethoscope handy when making house calls to his patients.
    • 4. An acoustic medical device for listening to internal sounds.
      • Example: The pediatrician used a stethoscope to check the respiratory rate of the young child.


    From Greek 'stethos' meaning 'chest' and 'skopein' meaning 'to look or examine'.

    Common Phrases and Expressions

    tune in with a stethoscope:

    To closely listen or examine details.

    stethoscope check:

    A routine examination of health.

    heart-stethoscope connection:

    Referring to the close interaction between the doctor and patient's heart health.

    Related Words


    The act of listening to internal sounds using a stethoscope.


    Related to the functions and processes of living organisms.


    Pertaining to the heart.

    Slang Meanings of stethoscope

    Meaning: The 'listening stick'

    Example Sentence: The doc pulled out his listening stick to check my lungs.

    Meaning: Chest monitor

    Example Sentence: She called it a chest monitor when referring to her stethoscope.