Meaning & Definition
extreme scarcity of food affecting a large population over a prolonged period.
The drought led to a severe famine that devastated the region.
a period during which food is unavailable or inadequate.
The country experienced a famine after the natural disaster destroyed the crops.
a condition of extreme hunger or starvation.
Many children died of famine-related causes in the war-torn area.
an extreme shortage of anything, leading to suffering.
The famine for resources in the industry has led to widespread unemployment.
Middle English, from Old French 'famine', from Latin 'faminia' meaning 'hunger'.
Common Phrases and Expressions
famine relief:
Aid given to those suffering from famine.
Affected by severe shortage of food.
famine conditions:
Circumstances resulting from extreme food scarcity.
Slang Meanings
Absence of abundance
When it comes to snacks, it's a total famine in my house.
A situation of severe deprivation
This party is a famine compared to last year's feast.