Getting old is not good, but dying young isn't too good either.
Envellir no és bo, però morir jove tampoc és massa bo.
You should travel while you're young instead of spending time in front of the computer.
Hauríeu de viatjar quan sou joves en lloc de passar temps davant de l'ordinador.
While you're young, you should travel.
Si ets jove, has de viatjar.
Unfortunately, you're too young a little.
Malauradament, ets massa jove una mica.
You are too young to marry.
Ets massa jove per casar-te.
Two young men have been killed by tiger sharks on Australian beaches in the past two weeks.
Dos joves han estat assassinats per taurons tigre a les platges australianes durant les últimes dues setmanes.
The play was presented by a group of young actors.
L'obra va ser presentada per un grup de joves actors.
The young girl, after going upstairs, opened the door of the house.
La jove, després de pujar, va obrir la porta de la casa.
The train from Krakow to Warsaw had to stop because of a young Moslim who had started to say a Mohammedan prayer.
El tren de Cracòvia a Varsòvia va haver d'aturar-se a causa d'un jove musulmà que havia començat a dir una pregària mahometana.
Tom wrote a book about a young man who, in the distant future, falls in love with an extraterrestrial girl, during an invasion of the earth.
Tom va escriure un llibre sobre un jove que, en un futur llunyà, s'enamora d'una noia extraterrestre, durant una invasió de la terra.
You are too young to marry.
Ets massa jove per casar-te.
Not so fast, young lady!
No tan ràpid, senyora!
Come here, young man.
Vine aquí, jove.
Smokers die young.
Els fumadors moren joves.
She is a young student.
És una jove estudiant.
There was a young fellow in to see you a half an hour ago.
Hi havia un jove a veure't fa mitja hora.
He's too young to live by himself yet.
És massa jove per viure sol.
Tom was young.
Tom era jove.
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